Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Race Against Time?

Race Against Time?

Last week, after a fair amount of internet research, I decided to plan a visit to the majestic Mt. Shasta. Anand and I needed a break from everyday life. Having overworked for three weeks in a row, Anand felt the need to stretch his arms more than I did. I had spent the previous day relentlessly packing all the toddlers needs and threw in a few of our essentials in the small window I had.

After much debate and delays, we were finally on our way on Thursday evening. After picking Gautam from SF, we stopped at the local Safeway to stock up on munchies.
Finally we were on I-80, no reservation in sight, but on route to a promising break. Out came technology; the iPhone and Crackberry browsers were initiated to research resorts in the vicinity of our destination. After some friendly banter over the inner workings and design of cell phones, a place was finalized. Calls were made and accommodations arranged. By the time we crossed the Carqinuez bridge, we were set.

The navigation system was set for our destination, and yelp was soon providing information about Starbucks and eateries on the way.

It got me thinking, back in the day, when my parents planned vacations, calls were made to a well known travel agency ahead of time to procure a sturdy vehicle and a non alcoholic driver. Days preceding the departure, yummy treats were prepared and stored in air tight containers (local vacuum packing) to preserve freshness. Clothes were ironed and piled neatly in stacks. On the day, a quick prayer to keep us healthy and safe is made and at an auspicious time, departure is set.
No maps or nav systems to guide us, simply a friendly chat with the passerby leads us to our destination. The savored snacks prove ample for our growling needs and strict rules on boiled water and food consumption, kept our health in check. Not a worry about technology or finding a local grocer to shop for our craving tongues.

Hotels chosen were strictly on word of mouth and no visuals were available to verify the location. Accommodations were always clean and no one needed the internet to research options. Our trips were way more fun and we all had a jolly good time.

Seems to me, that my parents were far more organized I am. My dependency on technology is so vast, that I will be lost without internet, cell phones, maps and reviews. My world will come to an absolute standstill if devoid of these items. Some how the race against time appeals to me over a disciplined and organized life, am I falling prey to technology?

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