Thursday, September 15, 2011

Off to school she went with apprehension in her heart but confidence in her walk!

This was her new territory, all around new faces, new location with absolutely no help in sight! A worried mom, I waved goodbye with mixed emotions and walked away sending a prayer to guide her well! The next few hours seemed long and never ending, the Mom in me wanted to rush and protect her, but the woman in me gently rooted me till the expected hour. I told the mom in me to give her a chance, to help her find her confidence and make the new scene work for her!Finally at the turn of the hour, I grabbed my keys and rushed out to school, fully expecting to pull her in my arms and tell her I am there for her!

After much anticipation, I saw her walking, not with a fallen face, but grabbing the hands of 2 other girls and jumping with excitement over the fabulous new friends and the desperate call for play dates! No hugs, no tears, but pure joy bouncing off three cheery girls who had made a pact to be friends!

All my fears abated and the next few hours were filled with chatter about the new school, new premises and the endless list of darling friends she had made ending with a comment that satisfied my heart! ‘I love my new school and I feel at home!’, she said!


  1. Yup. Given a chance, I guess we would all want to hug the little dears close to us all the time. It takes a lot of strength to let them go out into the big bad world! V is out today on her first school picnic, and I am worrying my head off. I contemplated following the bus!!
    Glad to hear S is happy with her new school! That's a huuuge win!

  2. somu, this reminds me of a "good luck charlie" episode where charlie has her first day at school and her mother is worried that charlie will be crying etc and charlie turns back and says bye! i liked the way you wrote esp. the prayer you sent to guide her well.. beautiful!

  3. Anu, know the feeling! But know V, she will be super awesome. She is such a bright and happy child! I love my niece!

  4. Pushpa, I know that episode! It seems like I enjoy it more than Sanju:)
