Thursday, September 15, 2011

Guiding Light

Guiding light!
Today I read a comment from a mother who has lost her child on facebook. It touched me deeply! The loss of a life is the most tragic sequence in a person’s life.

Lately, I have been engrossed in rallying behind boxes to get my home in order. It seems like a herculean task to move residences and locate new areas for things to go. While in the process, I find things, objects which held little importance in the past, but now hold great memories. Memories of a bag, a picture, a letter, a note, the list is endless and with each is a unique thought and a warmth that fills my heart cause it is deeply associated with a person who’s physical presence is missed today. As I cast these objects in various spots around the house, I feel the presence of the person associated with it and a sense of being with them makes my heart glow.

Today, as I sit and write this alone from my living room, I might miss the physical presence of dear ones, but these objects or memories stand like pillars of support and talk to me like they are present in front of me.

I always believe that the soul lives just to aid us make the right decisions in life and illuminate the road like a guiding light from up above!

To all who were dear to me and have departed to a better place, your memories will serve as an essence of how you celebrated life and made people around you happy!

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